Stains have been classified in a few ways... Organic and inorganic, water-based, oil-based and have been fitted into five categories...
- Organic: Food, fruits, coffee, tea, beverages, cosmetics and tobacco.
- Oil Base: Greasy foods, cooking oils, grease, tar, skin and hair oils.
- Inks / Dyes: Felt tip markers, pens, natural and synthetic dyes.
- Biological: Vegetation, mold, mildew, algae, fungus, etc.
- Metallic: Iron (rust), copper, bronze, etc.
It is important to try to properly identify the source of the stain for a couple of reasons.
- Different types of stains respond to different types of chemical agents and removal methods.
- If the wrong chemicals and methods are used they may spread the stain, and carry it deeper into the stone and permanently set it or create a whole new stain.