Home News Environmentally friendly production

Environmentally friendly production


Further to the established policy for global green support, the factory and overseas distributors are  starting new environmental program to safe water,  to safe power , to safe nature – ‘mini Split Face’  will be  included  at regular production list of  Phoenix Stoneworks as from March 1st   this year.

By implementation of low electric power consumption splitter, avoiding ‘must use of water’ and use of tiles cut-offs, Phoenix’s management  is showing its firm commitment  to continue the development of environmentally friendly production items and series.

New product ‘mini Split Face’  (set design) is available in Euro Beige, Euro Cream and Pewter  stones and is suitable for indoor applications. Check SPLIT gallery...


The concepts with ‘mini Split Face’ been developed lately to larger widths (3” & 4”) on environmentally basic again (for this rustical surface - a water and electrical power use is reduced on 40%).

Those GREEN SPLITS are continuing to support, recently established facing trends on split rustic views for exteriors of residential sites,  interior designs at hotels, spa and health centers.
Have a look on our   SPLIT FACE on FACEBOOK

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The combination of unique tiles, moldings designs and outstanding application jobs are producing high class appearance at any residence home or commercial building, exterior facades, styled living rooms,  contemporary kitchen, bathroom or patios.


Phoenx Stoneworks Ltd.
31A, Dragan Tzankov bulvd.
1113 Sofia, BULGARIA


tel: +359 2 960 8184
fax: +359 2 960 8180